A sad farewell..

As most of you may know our Maintenance officer William Russell has re-tired, after a long 20 years service! We are all very sad to see him go and would like to wish him all the best in his retirement!

Tenant Satisfaction Survey

The Association will very shortly be asking all our tenants to complete a tenant satisfaction survey. We hope all our tenants will contribute as it is essential we have your opinion on a number of issues. Your views will form part of how we provide future services. So please take Read more…

Introducing our new name…

To emphasise the Association’s community ethos the Board have decided to return to our roots . We are now officially: “Woodvale & Shankill Community Housing Association Ltd” Our contact number will remain the same 02890 741618, however, the general email address has now changed to info@wscha.org

Spring Bank Holiday May 2016

Our office is closed on Monday 30th May 2016 and will re-open Tuesday 31st May at 9.00am. The emergency contact numbers for any repairs during closure are: Heating break downs and plumbing – contact Bill Yarr 07715987788 General Repairs contact Jimmy Higgins on 07774605050 Electrician – Jack Taylor 07889271451 For Read more…


Home swapper is a direct home swap service for housing association and housing executive tenants. You can find further information on their website or contact the Association. You can register to swap online at www.homeswapper.co.uk. If you do wish to swap with another tenant don’t forget to ask our permission Read more…