Reports will remain confidential

Report Behaviour

Contact Numbers

If you are in immediate danger please contact the police by calling 999

To report a crime you can contact Crimestoppers

Crimestoppers is here for all communities across Northern Ireland. We don’t judge; we’re not interested in who you are or where you’re from.

It can be difficult to come forward when you know about crime. With Crimestoppers, our charity keeps you 100% anonymous. Always.

No police. No courts. No witness statements. In short, no comeback.

We're here for you 24/7, 365 days a year.
Call 0800 555 111

Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour causes fear and anxiety in the community and is an issue that Woodvale & Shankill is fully committed to tackling at every possible level.

Every individual is entitled to live in peace within their neighbourhood. Woodvale & Shankill has an effective anti-social behaviour policy to help us, in providing a quality housing service

We will:

  • Investigate all reported instances of anti-social behaviour
  • Provide advice and support
  • Identify and interview all parties concerned
  • Establish inter-agency working where appropriate
  • Use legal action when all efforts at conciliation have failed, including making applications for an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO)

To report any incidents of anti-social behaviour please contact 028 90741618

Click to read our Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and our procedures for handling all reported incidents.

Good Behaviour Agreement

Woodvale & Shankill Community Housing Association is committed to tackling anti-social behavior as and when it arises, but to do so we need your support. We will not tolerate such behaviour taking hold in your neighbourhood and ask for your commitment to positively engage with us so that we can put such behaviour in the past.

Being a Good Neighbour

The Association is asking all its tenants to treat their neighbour’s with respect and look out for them in times of need. We should be especially vigilant in the care of the vulnerable and elderly in our community. We believe that by being a good neighbour you will not only be helping us to stop nuisance and anti-social behaviour but you will be contributing to a more positive, confident and outward looking community.

About this agreement

As a Woodvale & Shankill Community Housing Association tenant, we would encourage you to sign this agreement as a commitment that neither you, nor members of your household or visitors to your home will behave in a manner that affects the peace and enjoyment of your neighbours.

What is Anti-Social Behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour is defined as acting in a manner that causes, or is likely to cause alarm, harassment or distress to one or more people in another household.

Woodvale & Shankill Community Housing Association Homes Responsibilities

The Association will respond to complaints of anti-social behaviour and carry out investigations which will include interviewing the complainant and the alleged perpetrator. In carrying out our investigations to resolve anti-social behaviour we will liaise and exchange information with other agencies. These agencies may include the Police Service for Northern Ireland, the Northern Ireland

Housing Executive, the local District Council, Youth Justice Agency and Social Services.

When necessary, Woodvale & Shankill Community Housing Association will use legal powers to deal with anti-social behaviour. This will require working with an agency such as the Northern Ireland Housing Executive or local Council to obtain an Order for Possession and/or an Injunction or an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO)

What can you do to be a good neighbour?

There are many things you can do to help prevent nuisance and antisocial behavior. Some examples are listed below:

  • Respect for all neighbours and their property and fairness in dealing with everyone, irrespective of their religion, race, ability, culture or political belief.
  • Care for the elderly, the lonely, and the vulnerable in the community.
  • Accept that everyone is different and be tolerant of the lifestyles of others, particularly with regard to noise levels.
  • Be responsible for the behaviour of your children and anyone visiting your home.
  • Respect the rights of children and young people to play and meet in a safe and happy environment.
  • Residents are respectful of the environment in which they live through upkeep of a clean and tidy neighbourhood, free from antisocial behaviour.
  • Recognition that a good community spirit benefits all through healthy inter-action and mutual support in dealing with local problems.
  • If any problem arises, every resident has the right to approach any constituted group set up by the residents, the relevant Housing Association or other statutory body, in order that the problem may be sorted out amicably and to the satisfaction of all concerned.
  • Residents in flats or other shared buildings have additional responsibilities given that they live in close proximity to each other and this may have implications for noise levels and shared access areas.
  • Within the above charter, people have a right to choose the extent to which they engage in the community.

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